Home Learning for School Closures
Please see class pages for home learning.
Click on:
- Children
- Class Page
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Other useful websites:
Twinkl www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/covid19-school-closures
Activities and worksheets for all subjects, plus information for parents
Oxford Owl www.oxfordowl.co.uk
Free e-books, spelling and maths activities
Topmarks www.topmarks.co.uk
Games and interactive resources for all subjects
Phonics Play www.phonicsplay.co.uk
Phonics games and interactive resources, plus information for parents
CBBC www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc
Videos, stories, games, quizzes, news for children
CBeebies www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies
Videos, stories, games, craft tutorials and more
BBC Bitesize www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Videos, lessons, games on all subjects
ICT Games www.ictgames.com
English and Maths games
Supermovers www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers
Fun exercise videos for children
Clever Learner www.cleverlearner.com
Worksheets for English, maths and science
Welsh Games www.learn-welsh.net/welshgames
Welsh games on lots of different topics
Scratch www.scratch.mit.edu
Coding activity projects to develop ICT skills
Lightbot www.lightbot.com
Coding activities to develop ICT skills
Art for Kids www.artforkidshub.com
Video tutorials for drawing, painting, sculpting and papercrafts