Years 2/ Blwyddyn 2
Your teachers are: Miss Stewart, Miss Jones and Miss Doidge (PPA)
Our Summer topic this year is...
Splish, Splash, Splosh!
Our Splish, Splash, Splosh theme is science based and will allow the children to develop an understanding and empathy with how by what we do as human beings can have a detrimental effect to our world and oceans.
We will be learning about lots of exciting things such as;
- Identifying sea creatures, their habitats and diet.
- Natural and human features of the seaside.
- Food chains
- People who help us - RNLI.
- Climate Change.
- Claude Monet - Looking at the different shades of colours and patterns used in his paintings to create our own.
We will post lots of pictures of us in class and our learning, so keep an eye out!
Summer Newsletter & Homework Grid
Our spring topic this year is...
Our Changing World!
Our changing world theme is History based and will allow the children to develop an understanding and empathy with how things have changed over 100 years.
We will be learning about lots of exciting things such as;
- Transport from the past.
- How homes have changed since the past.
- Household chores and how they have changed over time. For example, washing clothes.
- Electricity - How children lived differently without electricity.
- How schools have changed since Victorian Times.
We will post lots of pictures of us in class and our learning, so keep an eye out!
Spring Curriculum Plan
Our Changing World
Our first topic this year is...
Amazing Me!
We will be learning about lots of exciting things such as;
- Importance of a healthy diet and food groups.
- Our families
- Our homes / Different types of homes
- Harvest
- How to keep healthy and happy
We will post lots of pictures of us in class and our learning, so keep an eye out!
Online Learning
Please log into HWB and click onto 'Google for Education' to access your child's Google Classroom. Here you will find lots of fun activities for your child to do at home, including literacy, maths, welsh, and topic work.
All of the passwords you need are on your child's 'Password Passport'. If you need a reminder of any of these passwords, please contact the school and Miss Stewart will be able to give you a copy.
Below are some helpful documents to support online learning as well as links to the online learning platforms we use.
Parent help guide
This week's DOJO King and Queen are...
Morgan & Elaina !