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GreenWay Primary School

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Year 4/ Blwyddyn 4

Croeso i Flwyddyn 4

2024 - 2025

Miss Doidge and Mrs Champion


Ymarfer Corff - Our PE day is a Monday. Please make sure PE kit is brought to school every Monday or left in our cloakroom.


Ffrwyth - We provide a healthy fruit snack every breaktime, which costs 30p per day (£1.50 per week).


Tymor yr Hydref - Autumn Term

This term our topic is "Globe Trotting". We will be exploring our local area, Wales and beyond. We will learn about different countries and experience different cultures.


We will develop our literacy and numeracy skills but also have lots of opportunities to take part in practical and problem-solving activities. 


Our Class Charter
We have the right to learn. We have the right to be respected and listened to.


So we have the responsibility to...

  • Always try our best
  • Listen to everyone
  • Respect other people's opinions
  • Respect our classroom surroundings
  • Be friendly and include everybody
  • Respect other people's personal space
  • Ask when we need help


Home Learning

There are lots of activities that families can do together at home to help your child's learning:

  • Read as much as you can!
  • Practise spellings every week
  • Practise times tables. You could sing songs like these: link
  • Have fun with some maths games like these: link
  • Try out these online learning games: link
  • Learn more about our topic - you could draw the flag of a country, explore somewhere new on Google Maps, or watch programmes like Go Jetters to learn about different places!


2023 - 2024

Croeso i Flwyddyn 4

Miss Doidge and Mrs Mottershead


Ymarfer Corff - Our PE day is a Monday. Please make sure PE kit is brought to school every Monday or left in our cloakroom.


Ffrwyth - We provide a healthy fruit snack every breaktime, which costs 30p per day (£1.50 per week).


Tymor yr Haf - Summer Term

This term our topic is "Bright Sparks". We will be exploring and experimenting with light and electricity and finding out what makes someone a 'bright spark'.


Every week, we will also be doing PE, looking after our edible playground, reading together, celebrating Wellbeing Wednesdays, being creative, speaking lots of Welsh, and aiming to win the attendance cup!


Our Class Charter
We have the right to a good education and feel happy and safe in our classroom.


So we have the responsibility to...

Be kind and helpful to everyone

Respect other people

Treat people fairly

Take turns and share

Listen to the person who is talking

Keep our classroom safe and tidy



St Madoc Residential Trip

Blwyddyn 4 Newsletter & Homework

Our trip to Caerleon

Gweithgareddau - Activities - Spring Term

Photos from "Our Wonderful World" topic

Our Wild and Wonderful term
