Reception/ Derbynfa
Welcome to Reception's Class page!
Croeso i Dosbath Derbyn
Your class teachers this year are Miss Ridout and Miss Roberts
Every morning the children can bring in a healthy snack. This can e either fruit or vegetables that they can enjoy at breaktime.
P.E. Ymarfer Carff
Please send a bag with name clearly labelled. This can include, shorts/joggers.T-shirt and trainers. Kit can be left in school and taken home half termly to be washed.
Welcome to the Autumn Term!
This term we will be exploring the topic my world. The pupils have used their Pupil Voice to make decisions about what they would like to learn. They decided they would like to find out about their bodies and the people in their world.
Here are some of the books we will be lookin at to support our learning!

We have been looking at how to stay healthy. We have been learning how to wash our hands properly. We made creative hankies that remind us to 'Catch it, bin it, kill it.'

The whole school took part in 'Be Your Best Day.' The aim of the day was to celebrate the 'Four Purposes' of our curriculum through taking part in activities related to our 4 emojis - Healthy Harry, Ethical Emma, Ambitious Ahmed and Creative Catrin.

We went on an Autumn walk at Greenway Primary School to find and collect lots of Autumn treasures that had fallen from the trees. We found lots of crunchy leaves, twigs and berries. We brought them back to school for our Autumn table.
We read the book called 'Peace At Last.' We were looking at noisy and quiet sounds in our environment. During our Pupil Voice discussion George decided he would like to make musical instruments. We really thought that would keep Mr Bear awake at night!
We have been really busy learning our sounds this term in Reception. We are getting really good!

Welcome to the Summer Term!
This term our context will be 'If You Go Down To the Woods Today....' The children decided that they wanted to go and visit a farm and find out about where different animals live! We had so much fun feeding them - the animals were very friendly!

We decided to create our own wetland areas using natural materials. We used grass, mud and water and made a lovely home for the 'Five Little Speckled Frogs'

We read the story about 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We used our creative skills to make a map of the forest. We were able to name all the different features of the forest and label them!

In Pupil Voice we wanted to make a healthy smoothie for Grandma! We thought that Mr Naish and Mrs King should taste it first and test it for Grandma! They said it was delicious!
We went to Barry Island Beach! We had so much fun playing in the sand! built lots of sandcastles and dipped our toes in the sea! We had to watch out for the seagulls....they tried to eat our food!
Welcome to the Spring Term!
This term our context is 'Once Upon a Time'.
We will be looking at different fairy tales and exploring the themes of 'Cinderella', 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff', 'Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs', 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'Hansel and Gretel'
In Pupil Voice we decided that we wanted to help the troll when he fell in the river. We thought it would be a good idea to make a boat. We tried using different materials and found out that plastic was the best!

In Pupil Voice the children decided they wanted to make their own bridge just like the ones The Three Billy Goats Gruff tries to cross. They had a go at using different building materials outdoors. They had to work together and really think about how they were going to make the bridge go across the water. They didn't want the goats to fall in! They found out that the Lego made a strong bridge that didn't break easily! Well done Reception!

We loved the story 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'. The Dwarfs came to visit Reception but they had a few problems that they needed our help with! The diamonds had become frozen in the mine and we needed to think about what would help melt the ice the quickest! We found out that the salt and the hot the water did the best job! We had great fun!
In Pupil voice the children decided that they wanted to make an apple pie for Snow White that was not full of poison. They thought Snow White deserved a treat so first they had to decide which apple tasted the nicest. They decided to taste different apples. They then made a tally of which was their favourite apple and then they turned this into a pictogram. They used this to decide which apple they would use to make their apple pie. They thought they made the best apple pie ever!
This term our topic is called
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Celebrations'
In pupil voice we asked the children what they would like to find out about the topic. They were really excited that they were going to learn all about space. They had some super ideas!
They decided that they wanted to make some alien biscuits, create their own pattern on some alien underpants, design their own alien, make a rocket, make some space cakes and have their very own party just like Q Pootle 5!
Here are some of the books we will be reading this term....

Here are some photos of some of the exciting things we have done!
We explored our school. It was very big!
We had great fun making alien biscuits! They were really Yummy! We used smarties for the eyes and strawberry laces and matchmakers for the antenna's!
We have been celebrating Autumn. A squirrel left lots of 'Autumn Treasures' in our playground! We went on an autumn walk to find all the things the squirrel left! We found lots of things that we put on our Autumn table!

In Pupil Voice we decided to make hedgehogs! We used clay to make the body and then used spaghetti to make his prickles! It took lots of rolling and squeezing! They look great!
Take a look at our Autumn Fruit Crumble! We used flour, butter and sugar to make the crumble! We used lots of Autumn fruits to make our crumble taste yummy!