Links to useful websites...
Coronavirus Home Learning
Whilst school is closed, it is important that all children continue learning. As well as the home learning packs we have been giving out, and specific activities on each year group's page on this website, this list of general websites might be useful:
Hwb (all pupils have a login)
Abacus Online (all pupils have a login. School code: hrwk)
Big Maths Online (all pupils have a login. School code: 1210)
Giglets (all pupils have a login. School code: Trowbridge)
Maths and spelling activities
Activities and worksheets for all subjects, plus information for parents
Free e-books, spelling and maths activities
Games and interactive resources for all subjects
Phonics games and interactive resources, plus information for parents
Videos, stories, games, quizzes, news for children
Videos, stories, games, craft tutorials and more
Vidoes, lessons, games for all subjects
English and maths games
Fun exercise videos for children
Worksheets for English, maths and science
Welsh games on lots of different topics
Coding activity projects to develop ICT skills
Coding activities to develop ICT skills
Video tutorials for drawing, painting, sculpting and papercrafts