DCF and e-safety
We have been part of a Schools Improvement Group over the last few years and have been very fortunate to work with children and staff from various schools on an exciting Collaboration project. We were able to share our work at an event in Cardiff and the work produced was amazing!
Here is a synopsis of the film that was designed and filmed with our Year 2 class and shared with the Year 2 children at Greenway Primary School.
All 30 Year 2 children took part in this activity to create an e-safety film. We split the children into 3 mixed ability groups and we discussed with each group what we would like the film to look like and what needed to be included. We decided as a class that we would focus on 4 main points about being safe online, we came up with a strapline ‘Safety Rules are Our best Tools’.
Each group designed their own characters and backgrounds that they would like to use for their film.
When the characters were decided and created we began the filming process. Various pictures were taken of their backgrounds and characters and the children created pic collages of their work, they were used to help merge each section of the film. Various audio clips were chosen and included in the film.
The children thoroughly enjoyed using their characters and bringing them to life with narration to help deliver very important messages about being safe online.
Following the filming and editing we had such positive feedback from the children at Greenway whom thoroughly enjoyed our film, you will see some of the comments they have written.
The cartoon made it look fun.
It was super cool (Thumbs up)
I'll make sure I use the 4 rules from now on
Here we go........... enjoy!!