Years 5/ Blwyddyn 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Croeso i Flwyddyn Pump!
Mr Beynon is the class teacher.
Mrs Porter is the teacher's assisstant.
Summer 2021- Me, Myself and I (Dyma Fi)
This term we are looking at the human body and all the amazing things our body can do. We will look at our organs, skeleton and how to stay healthy. The class have decided they want to investigate heart rate, lung capacity and the effects of exercise on our body.
In the second half of the term we will be learning to be healthy and confident individuals by learning about how to lead and live healthy lives.
Science Week
At the end of May we enjoyed our first Science Week. We decided that the investigations we wanted to look at were one to do with materials, one to do with sound and another to do with air resistance.
We did 6 investigations all together:
Materials- Made our own lava lamp
Float or Sink?
Air Resistance- Made our own parachutes
Helicopter investigation
Sound- Which material is best for soundproofing?
How does sound travel?
Science Week- Materials
Science Week- Air Resistance

Here we are testing our heart rate. We did different exercises and measured our pulse after each activity.

Being healthy and confident individiuals
We enjoyed creating our own Pop Art in the style of Andy Warhol
Here are our finished Pop Art pieces
We used Adobe Spark to create videos on the Welsh National Parks

Useful Website
Visit this website to help you with your learning at home.
Use HWB to access Google Classroom, J2e and lots of other fantastic free resources. Children have their own logins to access HWB.
Active Learn/ABACUS Online
Visit Active Learn to play maths games and practise your numeracy skills. Children have their own logins to access.
ActiveLearn: Login (
Use Giglets to access a range of books and comprehension tasks specifically allocated to your child. Children have their own logins to access.
Big Maths
Children can complete their weekly Big Maths 'CLIC' and 'Beat That' challenges online. This can only be done once a week. Children have their own logins and passwords.
Spring Term 2021
This term our topic is called 'The Power of People'. We will be looking at famous and influential people and their impact on the world. We will be looking at people from Captain Tom to Nelson Mandela and Emmeline Pankhurst to Martin Luther King. We will also be looking at famous inventors and their inventions as well as disabled people who have inspired us.
So far this term we have been learning from home. However, the work that the children have been doing has been excellent. Work has been uploaded weekly on to our Google classroom and work packs have been collected and returned. A big well done to all the children who have completed the work and who are working really hard at home.
Here is some work that has been done at home so far!

Weekly Catch Up sessions
Every Tuesday at 2:15 we will be holding catch up sessions for children in the class to see each other and their teachers and have a virtual chat! We will be doing it via Google Meets via HWB and Google classroom. The link to join the meeting is on the Google classroom! We look forward to seeing as many of you every week as possible!
Here are pictures from our first catch up session and rules for when we are in the sessions

Autumn 2020- World at War: What we are learning this term in our topic 'World at War'?
World at War Homework tasks
Complete these tasks over the Autumn term. You can bring them in to school one at a time or altogether at the end of the term. There will be DOJO points for each task handed in!
Design and colour a propaganda poster to encourage families to grow their own food for the war effort.
Create a Powerpoint (Using J2e or Google slides) or video about any aspect of World War 1 or World War 2 (evacuation, rationing, weapons, trenches)
Research and make a timeline showing the main events of World War 2. Add in your own knowledge of events.
List 5 questions you have about World War 1, World War 2 or any other war. Research the answer and write it in your own words.
Write down your opinions about rationing? Was it a good idea or not? Use sentence stems top help structure you answer.
In Year 5 we use lots of different technology to help us learn. Below is a list of useful websites that you can access at home to continue your learning.
On Hwb your are able to go on Just2Easy (J2e), do some research using Encyclopedia Britannica as well as accessing your google classroom and much more. If you can't remember your login details then ask Mr B .
Active Learn
Practise your numeracy skills by playing some number games on ABACUS online. Are you going to spend or save the coins you earn? Games and activities will be added weekly. If you can't remember your login details then ask Mr B .
Choose a book from the library, read it and then complete the comprehension task about the book. New books will be added to your library every week.
Big Maths online
If you are unable to come to school then don't forget that you can complete your weekly Big Maths challenges at home. Are you able to beat your score from last time?