Fun activities to do
Click on the links below to find some exciting things to do...
Scouts: - lots of fun activities
BBC Bitesize - Learn and revise about lots of different subjects.
National Geographic Kids -This is full of lots of interesting activities and quizzes.
Duolingo - Why not have a go at learning a new language?
Mystery Science - Have a look at these free Science lessons. Take some photos and write up what you did.
The Kids Should See This - Explore a wide range of cool educational videos.
CBeebies Radio - Listening activities
Nature Detectives - Here you will find some activities to do in the garden or why not create a fact file about an animal or insect that you might find in your garden.
Oxford Owl for Home - Free resources to support learning at home, lots of educational activities and games for literacy and maths.
Geography Games - Brain engaging games to test your knowledge: learn about countries of the world, capital cities, flags, continents, islands, oceans and much more!
Blue Peter Badges - Why not earn yourself a Blue Peter badge? All you need is a stamp and a nearby post box!
The Artful Parent - Good, free fun creative activities.
Red Ted Art - Easy art and craft activities.
Toy Theater - Online game website full of interactive art games, fun reading games and cool maths games.
DK Find Out - What do you want to find out? Discover lots of fun facts and quizzes.
Newsround - Keep up to date with all the daily news. Why not keep a diary of the events that interest you and write some facts about them?
The Song Writing Doctor –
Explorify for Science –
Premier League football activities –
Classroom secrets home learning packs-