Summer Term
Summer Term
Summer Sensations!
This term the children will be learning all about summer! We got together in our groups and had some great ideas about what we could learn this term.
We have decided that we would like to look at crabs and rock pools as well as how to stay safe in the sun. We will also be looking at how to grow flowers and we may have a go at growing some of our own! Some children decided that they wanted to make ice lollies and lemonade. It sounds very yummy!
Watch this space for some fun photos!
We are so clever in Reception, we have been little detectives finding words in the outside area and making a sentence out of them! We are amazing!
We have also been learning about 3d shapes! We went on a shape hut and found lots of cubes, cuboids and spheres. We even found some cones! We talked about what they looked like and explored which shapes were the best for building! We found out that shapes with flat faces are the best!