Reception/ Derbynfa
September 2024 - July 2025
Welcome to Nursery & Reception!
Your Class teachers are;
Teacher: Miss Stewart
Teaching Assistants: Miss Giles & Miss Smith
Please can you provide a healthy snack each day with the children.
P.E /Ymarfer Corff
Your Child's P.E day is on a Friday. Please send a bag containing your Child's P.E kit (shorts, T-Shirt, trainers, jogging bottoms) which is clearly labelled with their name.
Autumn Term Context - Our World.
The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn within our topic.
We will be learning about:
- Hold our pencil correctly
- To learn our letter sounds
- To mark make / To write our letter sounds
- To count to 3/5/10
- Important people in school who keep us safe
- Who is in our family
- Our body parts
- How to wash our hands
- How we have changed from being a baby
- Exploring senses
- Homes and rooms of our homes
- Signs of Autumn
- Friendships - How to be a kind friend
and many more...
Autumn 2024 - Class letter & Homework tasks
Autumn 2024 photographs
Songs we sing to help us learn.
Useful Websites
September 2023 - July 2024
Welcome to Nursery & Reception!
Your Class teachers are;
Teacher: Miss Stewart
Teaching Assistants: Miss Giles & Miss Roberts
Please can you provide a healthy snack each day with the children.
P.E /Ymarfer Corff
Your Child's P.E day is on a Friday. Please send a bag containing your Child's P.E kit (shorts, T-Shirt, trainers, jogging bottoms) which is clearly labelled with their name.
Summer Term Context - If you go into the woods.
The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn within our topic.
We will be learning about:
- One more / one less
- Describing characters from a story
- Comparing a range of bears and their habitats
- Comparing painting techniques
- To experience Goldilocks and the three bears on a VR headset
- To react a story
- Going on a minibeast hunt
- Ordinal numbers
- Expressing emotion through art
- Ladybird life cycle
- Living and non-living things
- Exploring different environments
- Positional language
- Bug dance
and many more...
Summer photograghs
Spring Term Context - Once Upon a Time
The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn within our topic.
We will be learning about:
- Our homes - labelling rooms in our homes.
- Completing a pictogram
- Exploring where wool comes from
- Exploring new and old household items
- Measuring
- Comparing weights & heavy and light
- Describing / comparing characters
- Designing a farm on HWB
- Exploring castles in Wales
- Properties of materials
- Healthy Eating
- St David's Day
and many more...
SPRING Curriculum Map & Homework Tasks
Spring Pictures
Autumn Term Context - Twinkle Twinkle
The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn within our topic.
We will be learning about:
- Our school environment
- Important people in our family
- Our daily routine
- Night & Day
- Animal habitats
- Importance of washing our hands
- Creating our own alien
- Discussing planets
- Creating a weather chart
- Days of the week
and many more...
Look at all the fun we have in Reception!
Books which we will be reading in Nursery & Reception.