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GreenWay Primary School

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Year 3/ Blwyddyn 3

Coronavirus Home Learning

Blwyddyn 3 - Year 3

Whilst school is closed, you can continue with your learning by completing your home learning pack and/or by using the websites and activities below.

Missing you all!

Still image for this video

Please send your work into school when you pick up your next Learning packs.

Remember to Tweet a picture of the work you do at home! Stay Safe!

Da Iawn Blwyddyn 3 for the amazing Home Learning returned for us to see! Keep up the fantastic work!


Your teachers are: Mrs Thomas, Miss Jewell, Mrs Bennett, Miss Chapman & Miss Champion


In Year 3 our Spring term topic is 'The Rotten Romans'



We have been doing lots of exciting activities in Year 3 during the Spring term.  Here are some photos of our work....


Our Spring term work...








Our Autumn term topic is 'Our Wonderful World'

We have been discussing in our class what we would like to learn about this term. 

These are our ideas....

Different countries

around the 


Foods around the world

Festivals in 

different countries 

Flags of different


Dances & Music Sport/ Religion/Art
Continents/ Currency

Facts about different


Celebrating life in different countries around the world

Using a story map to tell the story of Barnaby Bear's Journey Around Spain

P.E. days are on Monday and Friday.  Please remember to bring your P.E. kits into school.


Please try to read as often as possible at home.


Spellings will be sent home for you child to practise. 
