Coronavirus Newsletter Friday 13th March
13 March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
In light of the growing concerns and media coverage with regard to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the school would like to reassure you that we continue to receive regular updates from Cardiff Council. The Council is closely monitoring guidance from Welsh Government / NHS Wales and we will keep you updated with any developments, especially those related to schools. The school will remain open until we are directed otherwise.
Messages being shared in school include pupils, staff and visitors washing their hands:
· Before leaving home
· On arrival at school
· After using the toilet
· After breaks and sporting activities
· Before food preparation
· Before eating any food, including snacks
· Before leaving school
To further reassure you, our school is cleaned thoroughly and we have excellent supplies of soap, tissues and cleaning products to ensure the school can meet the required hygiene standards.
Further information can be found on the following sites:
To further support our cleaning team in meeting their high standards, we are seeking to avoid unnecessary disruption to their working schedule and therefore in consultation with the Chair of Governors for the school, I have taken the decision to review non-essential school events to limit risk to the school community including those who may be more vulnerable. Although such events are an integral part of the school calendar, I feel that it is sensible to postpone them until further notice. I’m sure you will support the school under the circumstances. The events that are postponed at present are:
· Open nights 17th and 18th March
· Easter Bonnet parades
· Class assemblies
We will continue to review all school activities in light of current advice and update you accordingly.
Please use the school website to obtain regular updates and ensure that we have your most up to date contact details in school so that contact with you can be made more easily.
With thanks for your understanding and support.
N Naish