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Years 6/ Blwyddyn 6

Coronavirus Home Learning

Blwyddyn 6 - Year 6

Whilst school is closed, you can continue your learning by completing your home learning pack and/or by using the websites and activities below.





Mental Health Awareness Week The 7 Day Kindness Challenge! This year, Mental Health Awareness Week is all about kindness. Challenge yourself to spread a bit of kindness by doing 2 acts of kindness each day - 1 for someone else and one for yourself. Look at the suggested ideas on the posters or choose ideas of your own. Design a 7 day calendar to show what your week of kindness looked like!


 This term, our context theme is 'Global Challenges'. We will focus on natural disasters that have occurred around the world and the causes of these!

Below are a list of tasks that can be completed at home. 


  1. Use KWL grid to identify facts that you already know about natural disasters and what you would like to find out. Research different types of natural disasters.  You can use the internet, books, videos. Display the information in a short presentation using any media you wish - ICT, writing, drawing, making models. Have fun!
  2. Write a diary entry about experiencing a hurricane or tornado. Write about the build up, the actual event and the aftermath.
  3. Write a set of instructions on how to stay safe in a hurricane. Use the Hurricane 8 Tip Advice poster in "Global Natural Disasters" to give you some ideas.



Sound Investigation - Try this at home!

Advice on Social Distancing!

Keep fit with a daily workout!

PE with Joe- Joe Wicks 'The Body Coach' will be doing daily 30 minute live workouts for children at 9am Monday to Friday. You can watch it on his youtube page

Information for Year 6 children who attend Cardiff City Transition Project on Wednesday afternoons.


@CCFC_Foundation have created a class on Seesaw for all pupils on the Extra Time transition project to join.


They will set 3 lessons/activities per day, these include:


  • 1 physical activity at 9am
  • 1 educational activity at 11am
  • 1 wellbeing check at 2pm


Ben Gorvett has sent every parent a text with the pupils individual access code.



Useful Websites you can visit 


Giglets (Reading and comprehension)-
ABACUS Active Learn (Maths)-

Kahoot (Quiz website)- 

HWB (General learning)- 

Sumdog (Maths and spelling)

Spring homework grid

Croeso i dudalen Blwyddyn 6!
Welcome to Year 6's page!


Our topic for this Spring term is Our Heritage (Victorians)

The children have decided what they want to learn about this topic under the

different areas of learning.


Language, Literacy and Communication

In LLC we will be learning about Grapic Novels,Superhero fact files, Biographies,Instructions,Myths and Legends.

Mathematics and Numeracy

We will learn about mean, mode and median, how to solve reasoning problems, graphs, multiples and factors, timetables and probability.

Context work

Humanities  - In Humanities we want to learn about famous Victorians, where the Victorians travelled to, diseases, rich people, poor people, crime and punishment in Victorians times.

Expressive Arts - In Expressive Arts we want to learn about drawing Victorian portraits and famous Victorian artists.

Science and Technology - In Science and Technology we would like to learn about famous Victorian scientists and conduct some scientific investigations.

Health and Well-being - We are looking forward to making Victorian foods, diets and secret recipes for all their tasty treats. We will follow instructions to make Victorian recipes

We are planning a Victorian week where we will recreate aspects of  life!


Under the new curriculum we are planning a carousel of work for our context, using the following stations to make our learning exciting!!

These are our stations:






School Council

Billy-Tom and Emma were chosen by Year 6 to be their school council representatives. They have already made some important decisions about our school life.


Miss Jewel will be teaching the class every other Tuesday and Mrs Porter continues to support our learning. 


Our PE days are on Tuesday and Thursday - please bring your kit on both days.

Miss Hughes
